Favorite Stories From November

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Most of the bigger things Brightseasons do are posted and people hear about them. But a lot of the private or little things go unnoticed because they’re not talked about much. In order to let everyone know what we’re really about, because it’s not just the big things, but the little that make us who we are, I’ve decided to post one of my favorite stories each month just to keep everyone in the know. Yes, we do help others during a tough season, but we also try to do small things that are just to brighten someone’s day. Here’s one of my favorite stories from November;

At our November meeting we decided that we were going to go out and purchase cards to show our appreciation for the people and the things they may do daily that might go unnoticed. We filled them with a $10.00 gift card to Starbucks so they could have a coffee on us. We passed out a few to each member and told them to find someone that brightens their day. Maybe it was the person who bags your groceries each time, or the lady who works at Walgreens and always looks for coupons for you. Maybe it was the security guard who helps your children cross the street every morning, or the mailman who makes sure your packages are placed where they can’t get wet. We were told to look beyond the obvious and try to make someone’s day that does not get recognized on a daily basis.

One of our girls takes the same route to work every day. There is one area that is very busy and the traffic is very slow. She sees an older man sitting out in his front yard everyday and he waves to her. Now, that in itself may not seem like a big deal, but to her, it was. She said no matter how her morning was going, how the traffic was, nor how long her day ahead seemed, that one simple gesture made her smile. It was her morning wave that set her attitude to be kinder to people. She wasn’t even sure if it was meant for her or not, but she looked for it every day and appreciated it. So, one day when he wasn’t there, she searched out his mailbox and put her “thankful” card in there. She came back and said she wasn’t sure if he’d ever get it, or maybe even dismiss it as stupid, but she took the chance anyway.

It wasn’t long before his daughter reached out to our page and posted how grateful she was. Her elderly father sits outside every morning waving to people. It was his daily ritual. Some waved back and some didn’t, but he did it each and every morning in the hopes that it would spread a little happiness. He was so overjoyed that not only did someone notice him but took the time to stop and let him know. It literally made his day!

How amazing that a small gesture like that can actually make a difference. Imagine if we went out of our way to not only be kind, but to acknowledge others when they do something nice, even if it’s just holding the door open for us. Be kind. And when others do so, acknowledge them. If we make an effort to do that daily we can all have a “bright season” year round. Xo